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Japan's Toshiba Machine to become Shibaura Machine in 2020
Toshiba Machine stockholders approved the name change during a general meeting in June, the company said. It will make a gradual shift to Shibaura Machine throughout the next year.
Takahiro Mikami, president of Tokyo-based Toshiba Machine, said the new name takes the company back to its roots.
It said its separation from Toshiba Corp. "has been seamless, with no impact to the company's operations, customers, shareholders, employees or business partners, nor the value of Toshiba Machine's stock," a Sept. 9 news release said. It expects a smooth transition to Shibaura Machine as well.
"Our goal as Shibaura Machine is to be a supplier of the highest quality machinery and systems, one that is well-positioned to grow and contribute to the global economy for decades to come," Mikami said.