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European soft drink industry pledges package recyclability
작성자 : Aeyoung Park
2018-09-21 |
조회 : 1681
Unesda Soft Drinks Europe has joined the ranks of other European associations to announce a set of voluntary measures to meet European circular economy ambitions.
As part of the measures, the association announced Sept. 13 that 100 percent of soft drink primary plastic packaging will be recyclable by 2025.
Unesda, which represents a range of soft beverage manufacturers, including still drinks, cordials, dilutables and energy drinks, also said that by 2025 soft drink PET bottles will contain a minimum 25 percent recycled material on average.
The European body has also committed to work towards increasing and optimizing collection rates of soft drink primary plastic packaging for recycling. Unesda did not elaborate on how it will achieve the target.
“Achieving circularity through optimal collection, recycling and use of recycled PET is a top priority for our industry,” Unesda Director General Sigrid Ligné said.
Unesda members, he went on to say, “want all their packaging, including plastics, to be collected and recycled and not discarded on our streets, oceans and waterways.”
To achieve higher recyclability, Unesda members will also work on their design, an effort to be set up and managed by the industry.
The announcement was in response to the EU strategy for plastics in circular economy, which calls on industry associations “to come forward with voluntary pledges to boost the uptake of recycled plastics.”
“The soft drinks sector supports growth of a secondary raw material market that makes food grade quality recycled PET sufficiently available, accessible and affordable. With these conditions met it is ready to go way beyond its current target of a minimum 25 percent recycled material on average,” the association stated.