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Market trends

China’s Machinery Production Market Set to Grow 7.9% in 2018China's machinery production is growing at a slightly slower rate in 2018 than that it did in 2017, but the industry is exhibiting strong growth of 7.9%, according to IHS Markit. Meanwhile, the overall production of material handling equipment will grow by 12.6% in 2018.IHS Markit expects the machinery production in China will continue to rise at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.6% from 2018 to 2022.Favorable national policiesIn 2018, the Chinese government issued a series of favorable policies to promote the development of its manufacturing industry -- for example, the country’s strategic “Made in China 2025” program, which encourages enterprises to use high-end machine tools.As of April 2018, China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) had founded five national innovation centers for material manufacturing, to focus on batteries for electric vehicles, optoelectronic information technology, traditional and flexible display panels and robots.The ministry also cultivated about 60 manufacturing innovation centers, at the provincial level. At the same time, the government’s implementation of comprehensive tax cuts for productive enterprises also provided policy support for machinery manufacturers.China will continue its "The Belt and Road Initiative" policy, strengthening cooperation with the member countries in the initiative and others in Latin America. To a certain extent, this initiative expanded the market for machinery used in automobile manufacturing, construction, electronics, metallurgy and textiles, says IHS Markit.Continuous optimization of industrial environmentIn China, new industries are growing fast. In the first quarter of 2018, the added value investment of high-tech manufacturing (i.e., information technology, biological engineering and new materials) increased by 11.9%, while fixed asset investment grew 7.9%.As said, equipment manufacturing and consumer goods manufacturing grew faster than other categories. Industrial robots, new energy vehicles, integrated circuits and other new products are growing rapidly. Faster development of the downstream industry has led to demand growth in related machinery products.The emergence of artificial intelligence, big data and other Internet of Things (IoT) technologies is injecting new vitality into China's machinery market. Its leading machinery manufacturers introduced the IoT concept into machinery, actively transforming themselves from traditional machinery producers to manufacturing services companies.Machinery production forecastIn 2018 China's machinery production development will be buoyed by the country’s national policy guidance and support, a large influx of investment funds and the initial effect of industrial structure adjustment. However, other more unfavorable development factors for development in 2018 cannot be ignored, comments IHS Markit.With trade disputes, like the China-US friction in 2018, on the rise, there is still a lot of uncertainty in the international environment. Domestic infrastructure investment in China is affected by national policies and macro-control, which strengthens its supervision of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects this year, but might also negatively affect infrastructure investment growth, causing some pressure on China’s domestic economy.Still, China’s machinery production will grow steadily under this pressure in 2018. With the continuous optimization of its industrial environment in the next four to five years, China’s machinery production market will steadily rise, even as it transforms, IHS Markit concludes.Source: CPRJ Intl
Aeyoung Park 2018-06-29
According to the latest data of National Bureau of Statistics of China, the number of plastics processing enterprises at designated sizesin China increased from 12,963 in 2011 to over 15,000 in 2017.Meanwhile, the production volume of plastic products in China totaled75.155 million tons in 2017, representing an increase of 3.4% whencompared to the previous year. With this trend, the Chinese plasticsprocessing industry is expected to grow further.Apart from the continuous increasing number of enterprises at designated size, from January  to November in 2017, revenues of these enterprises at from main operations amounted to RMB 2123.673 billion, representing an increase of 7.33% when compared to the same period of the previous year.In addition, the earnings of enterprises at designated size in the period of January to Novemb-er of 2017 amounted to RMB 123.095 billion, up 5.15% year on year.Export on the growing trackOver the years, the policy of achieving a stable foreign trade of China has started to yield results. The export of plastic products from China has been growing stably.As one of the biggest export countries of plastic products, China exports a wide range of products to about 230 countries and regions, including the US, Japan, Vietnam, India, UK, Australia, Germany, Korea, and Canada.In accordance with the statistics of the General Administration of Customs of PRC, the export of plastic products from China in 2017 was 11.68 million tons, up 12.2% year on year. The export value amounted to RMB 262.79 billion, representing an increase of 11.6% year on year. One of the key drivers of the export growth in the industry is the favorable policy environment.Analyzing the historical statistics, the unit price of Chinese plastic products for export was the highest from March to May and November to January of the next year. On the other hand, the unit price fell in February and from June to August.The outlook of provinces and citiesThe plastics processing industry of China are characterized by highly concentration in eastern, southern and central regions, while other regions are in rapid development. In 2017, the top 8 provinces (Zhejiang, Guangdong, Henan, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Shandong, Fujian, and Hubei) accounted for 2/3 of the domestic market share by volume while other 15 provinces were on the growth.In 2017, the production volume of plastic in Zhejiang province was 10.3552 million tons, down 3.49% from previous year. However, it still ranked at the top in the production of plastic products by volume.Zhejiang was followed by Guangdong which produced 10.1532 million tons of plastics product in 2017, up 0.98% from the previous year. In Henan, the production volume was 721.03 million tons, representing an increase of 19.87% year on year.The top two provinces in the production of plastic products were Zhejiang and Guangdong, both of their production volumes were over 10 million tons. In the future, with the rapid growth of demand for plastics in the automotive, consumer electronics, and medical sectors, the geographic concentration of the Chinese markets is expected to be more reasonable.In conclusion, the Chinese plastics processing industry was on stable growth with acceleration in industrial upgrading in 2017. Despite high pressure in costing, export trade continued to improve. The differentiation between enterprises was more obvious and cross-industry integration emerged as a trend.The trends of developmentCurrently, functional performance, lightweighting, sustainability and microform are the major trends in the Chinese plastic processing industry.Functional performance is the distinctive feature and competitive advantage of plastics products. Further enhancement in function performance is the direction for development of plastics products. It is also the key for the Chinese plastics processing industry to stay as a pillar of the national economy.Lightweighting is accompanied with the low carbon economy. Lightweight materials for aircrafts, vehicles, and railway transportation have attracted attention. Conventional materials and workmanship can no longer satisfy the needs of consumers. Brand new technologies for the processing of eco-friendly, lightweight, and highly stiff materials will be the effective ways for the realization of lightweight product featuring energy efficiency and reduction of carbon emission.Sustainability refers to the use of biological resources in the development and production of biodegradable plastics and bioplastics that facilitate the Chinese plastics processing industry to contribute to environmental protection and sustainable growth of the country and the world.Microform is a frontier technology in the discipline of the micro/nano-scale fabrication science of polymer. It is extensively used in optoelectronic communication, image transmission, data storage, medical devices, high-end sophisticated structure components, etc. It is expected to gain wider applications in the tooling and advance injection molding technology.Innovations emphasized in the Chinese plastics processing industryBy the end of the “12th Five-Year Plan”, the Chinese plastics processing industry wasgranted over 66,000 patents on new inventions and new applications. In the sameperiod, 30 technology centers were accredited as national level technology centers,while 9 were cited as national technology innovation models. Besides, 2 centers wereacclaimed as national small and medium enterprise public service models.In China, there are 10 laboratories involving development of plastics processing arelisted as important laboratories in the light industry. In addition, there are 17 specialregions and industrial clusters which are focusing on plastics processing industry in the country.China has established more than 300 high education schools in the discipline of polymer material science and related engineering. In the meantime, there are over 28 workstations of academy fellows who are experts and professional in the plastic processing industry.Source: CPRJ International
Aeyoung Park 2018-06-05
North American prices for polypropylene resin continued their wandering ways in May, jumping 7 cents per pound after falling by that same amount in the previous two months combined.Regional prices for PET bottle resin also ticked up an average of 2 cents per pound in May, with solid PS prices declining an average of 4 cents, according to market sources contacted recently by Plastics News.The 7-cent upward shock for PP included 5 cents of matching price increases for polymer-grade propylene feedstock and 2 cents in profit margin improvement that was won by PP makers, according to Scott Newell, a market analyst with Resin Technology Inc. in Fort Worth, Texas.Regional PP prices had slid a penny per pound in April and 6 cents in March. The market had started the year with a 9-cent hike in January and a 6-cent dip in February, meaning total price volatility for PP in the first five months of 2018 has been a vertigo-inducing 29 cents.North American PP sales through April were up just over 2 percent vs. the same period in 2017, according to the American Chemistry Council. A domestic sales increase of 2.3 percent was dampened somewhat by a reduction of almost 6 percent for sales into the export market.PP posted positive domestic sales results for those four months in film — up almost 11 percent — and injection molded caps and closures, where sales grew more than 7 percent.North American PET bottle resin prices bumped up an average of 2 cents per pound in May after being flat in April. Prices for the material had declined by a penny in March after nine consecutive months of increases totaling 13 cents per pound.PET market analyst Mark Kallman of RTI said that the May increase was the result of shortened supplies from the paraxylene and purified terephthalic acid feedstock stream, as well as "seasonal PET demand in an overall tight market."Demand for PET is increasing as warmer weather drives demand for bottled water and carbonated soft drinks, two of the material's major end markets. Also in the current market, paraxylene supplies "are returning to more normal levels, and [monoethylene glycol] should start easing, so we could see some stability in the near term," Kallman added.Solid PS prices in the region fell an average of 4 cents per pound in May after being flat in April and rising 4 cents in March. Prices for benzene feedstock also were down in both April and May, but the May PS decline "reflects general loosening in the supply chain rather than anything such as a one-to-one movement with benzene," according to Phil Karig, managing director of the Mathelin Bay Associates consulting firm in St. Louis.North American PS sales slumped 5.5 percent in the first four months of 2018. A domestic sales loss of 6 percent was softened somewhat by an increase of more than 12 percent in export sales.One bright spot for regional PS sales in the first four months of the year came in sales to distributors and resellers, which grew more than 10 percent. That category accounted for more than 10 percent of domestic PS sales during that period.Plastics News this week also is showing historical corrections to reflect net price changes for expanded PS and amorphous and crystalline PET. EPS prices are being moved downward 3 cents per pound to show net price changes that have affected that material since early 2017.Prices for APET and CPET are being increased 2 cents per pound to show net price changes that have taken effect since early 2016.Source: Plastics News
Aeyoung Park 2018-06-04
Opportunities soar in North American plastics marketThe US, Canada and Mexico are the most important plastics markets in the North American continent. The plastics industries in these three countries are expected to set high due to different reasons. Nevertheless, the NAFTA negotiation is critical in the development process of this regional market.Growth remains strong for the US plastics industryThe Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) released its 2017 Size & Impact Report recently and found a positive outlook for the U.S. plastics market. Overall industry growth is expected.For years the plastics industry has maintained its position as the third-largest manufacturing sector in the US, behind oil and gas extraction and automobiles, and this trend continued in 2016.The report notes that the U.S. plastics industry remains historically strong and well positioned for continued growth.The industry’s shipments were worth US$404.4 billion in 2016, down 3% from the previous year. Lower raw material costs and low oil and natural gas prices primarily drove the decrease in shipment value.Value went down is not a significant issue because volumes continued to grow, said PLASTICS President and CEO William R. Carteaux.“Things have been on the increase the last few years,” Carteaux said in a webinar releasing the report. “There are lots of reasons for optimism in manufacturing right now.”The association’s presentation also included an analysis from the American Chemistry Council tracking plastics processor investment, noting 560 investments in expansion or new construction, with the most coming in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin and Texas.US plastics job numbers up“More people are working in the plastics industry and that’s a testament to plastics’ economic vitality and innovation,” said Carteaux.The U.S. plastics industry employed 965,000 workers in 2016, up 1% from the previous year.At the state level, California had the most plastics workers. California took over the top spot from Texas, leading the way with 77,000 plastics jobs. Meanwhile, California also hosted the largest number of plastics companies.Ohio took over the second on the list with 75,200 jobs, while Texas dropped to third with 74,800.PLASTICS notes that employment figures in U.S. plastics should continue to grow, but that the rate of growth will decline over the next few years. The reason for this decline is the skills gap and an ever-deepening shortage of qualified workers.Therefore, the association reminds that the US must do a better job of training workers to fill the jobs that are available today and will be available tomorrow.Positive forecasts reinforced by federal tax reformPerc Pineda, Ph.D., Chief Economist with PLASTICS, has developed a general outlook for the plastics industry, as well as numerical forecasts for employment and shipments. The following are some key points:The US domestic plastics market is expected to continue growing in step with an economy that is growing steadily.Headwinds will come from skilled labor shortages, a maturing motor vehicle replacement cycle and a housing construction cycle that is not too far from peak sustainable levels.Tailwinds will likely come from improvements in manufacturing trade, including new foreign-owned manufacturing plants in the US, and also from new plastic resin capacity being built in response to new hydrocarbon feedstock supplies in the US.Because of labor shortages, all manufacturing facilities, including those involved with plastics, are expected to increase their investments in labor-saving equipment and technology.Real plastics industry shipments (after correction for inflation) are expected to grow 2.0% in 2017, 2.2% in 2018 and 2.5% in 2019. The principal source of the acceleration is the construction of new resin plants in the US.Meanwhile, the recent US federal tax reform is generally regarded as favorable to the development of manufacturing industry in the country, including the plastics sector. Among the changes, the reduction of corporate tax rate would clearly be most beneficial, pushing enterprises’ earnings into the red and strengthening their commitment in the US. ExxonMobil, being one of these enterprises, is planning to invest over US$50 billion in the US over the next five years to increase production of profitable volumes and enhance its integrated portfolio, which is supported by the improved business climate created by tax reform.Canada focuses on niche productsCanada’s chemicals and plastics sector has been supported by secure access, low priced raw material and infrastructure.According to its latest report, IBISWorld anticipates that the plastic and resin manufacturing industry in Canada will continue to grow over the five years to 2022, albeit at a much slower pace compared with the previous five-year period. Slowed growth will be due, in part, to an appreciating Canadian dollar.Besides, industry performance is highly susceptible to economic conditions abroad, most notably in the US. Nevertheless, downstream demand will drive growth as per capita disposable income and consumer spending rises.IBISWorld estimates that the plastic and resin manufacturing industry in Canada exhibits a low level of market share concentration, with the top four players accounting for an estimated 29.2% of total industry revenue in 2017, a figure that has remained fairly stable over the five years to 2017.The rest of the industry is composed of small- to medium-sized manufacturers who have developed strategies of supplying niche products to compensate for their lack of economies of scale.The plastics industry in Canada is highly competitive when considering the fact that the bulk of demand for their products is from outside nations, such as the US.Canada’s chemical sector alone is forecast to increase by 27% by 2020, according to Canadian Trade Commissioner Service.Increasing demand for overseas suppliers in MexicoMexico’s economy grew 2.3% in 2016 and the plastics industry grew 5.7%, according to the Mexico’s Secretariat of Economy. By the end of 2016, the country’s imports of capital equipment used in the plastics industry amounted to US$2.7 billion.Mexico is the largest destination for plastics and rubber equipment, tools, dies and industrial molds exported from the US. Besides, Mexico was the second largest destination for the US exporters of plastic products in 2016, according to the Office of the United States Trade Representative.In its latest study, The International Trade Administration of The U.S. Department of Commerce reported that, although Mexico’s plastics industry’s growth is currently moderate compared to past decades, manufacturers see an opportunity to rebound to higher growth rates as Mexico continues to negotiate additional free trade agreements with key economies.The plastics industry in Mexico faces serious challenges to increase their profit margins. Therefore, Mexican industry players are desperately looking for increased productivity.Interestingly, the challenges faced by the Mexico’s plastics industry have become the golden opportunities for the US manufacturers. As Mexico’s plastics industry requires increased productivity, more high-tech machinery will be required.By the same token, new processes and materials developed in other countries will also be adopted by Mexico’s plastics industry as a way of maintaining their competitiveness in the market.Up and coming sub-sectorsIn the last few years, the plastics industry in Mexico has seen an increase in demand of high-tech packaging equipment for the food and beverage sector.A large portion of Mexico’s recycled polyestyrene terephtalate (PET) was sent to China where it is then transformed and sent back to Mexico as synthetic fibers, which indicates a strong need for recycling technologies that could provide Mexico its own capability to produce its those fibers.The Asociacion Nacional de la Industria del Plastico, A. C. (ANIPAC), Mexico’s plastics industry association, estimates Mexico’s recycling rate was 23.7% of total production in 2014, amounting to only 1.2 million tons of recycled generated scrap out of the 5.26 million generated in 2016.It was reported that an increasing number of foreign mold-making companies have established operations in Mexico to supply their Mexican customers. However, Mexico’s major weakness is its ability to supply high quality alloys of machine grade steel for tooling and molds.Mexico is the 5th largest automotive parts exporter in the world, with 41% of goods going to the US. The country’s competitive advantage is based on a network of suppliers that cluster around Mexico’s main manufacturing industries.The Mexican automotive industry is crushing its production and export records. The investments in recent years have carried the industry to peak capacity and there is no sign of slowdown.Kia has opened its sprawling facility near the northern industrial city of Monterrey. Audi has also opened its Q5 crossover factory in the central state of Puebla. BMW, Toyota and a Mercedes-Infiniti joint venture all have plants under construction in Central Mexico.In a speech at the opening of Plastimagen Mexico 2017, ANIPAC President Juan Antonio Hernandez Leon said: “We generate about 265,000 full-time jobs and 550,000 part-time jobs, which indicates just how prosperous an industry we are.”However, he also admitted that the plastics industry in North America is suffering a violent displacement. “This region is being convulsed by the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA),” he said.NAFTA the key to developments of the three countries The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a treaty between the US, Canada and Mexico. It came into effect in 1994.Under the NAFTA, the three signatories agreed to systematically remove most tariff and non-tariff barriers to free trade and investment between them.Each NAFTA country forgoes tariffs on imported goods “originating” in the other NAFTA countries. Rules of origin enable customs officials to decide which goods qualify for this preferential tariff treatment under the NAFTA.US president Donald Trump is a longtime critic of the NAFTA in terms of the fairness of the agreement and to protect US workers, and he signed an executive order calling for a review of the NAFTA in April 2017.In comments made at the White House with Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, ahead of the start of fourth of seven planned rounds of negotiations for the NAFTA, Trump warned it was “possible” that the US would drop out of the 1994 deal.Recently, the fifth round of negotiations was concluded in Mexico City, but members remain far from a deal.Source: China Plastic & Rubber Journal
Aeyoung Park 2018-05-15
Euromap unveils first digital 4.0 standard▲ Arburg's Heinz Gaub, left, and Thorsten Kühmann, secretary general of Euromap,discuss Industry 4.0 at NPE2018.The European machinery association Euromap is introducing what it's calling a significant step forward for the development of Industry 4.0, releasing the first common digital standard that allows machines from different companies to talk to each other.The group unveiled the standard, called Euromap 77, at NPE2018, with a May 8 press tour. While the topic is technical, officials said it's important for the industry to move forward on developing such standards."Our opinion is we really need these digital interfaces for Industry 4.0 to work," said Thorsten Kühmann, secretary general of Euromap. "Industry 4.0 will only really work if you have a complete information flow."The Euromap 77 standard, which was officially released May 4, only covers injection molding machines, and allows standardized communication between the injection press and a manufacturing execution system.The association said other standards are being worked on, covering data exchanges between molding machines and temperature controllers (Euromap 82), molding machines and robots (Euromap 79) and between extrusion machines and MES (Euromap 84).Industry officials said one advantage of new standards would be to have more flexibility in how plastics processors can have equipment from different companies work together and trade information.It would not replace existing manufacturers' systems, but instead would function as an interface. One technologist speaking on the tour compared it to the memory sticks in personal computers."It's like plug and play with the USB stick in your computer," said Jochen Mitzler, director of market intelligence and product management at German equipment maker KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH.Euromap said its standard is based on what's called OPC Unified Architecture, which is an interoperability standard used in the field of industrial automation by several industries. It said it promotes the reliable and secure exchange of data.Kühmann said it's a first step, with much more development needed. The standards themselves have been developed by the European industry, but several executives on the tour said it's important to develop global standards."There is no reason to have just a European standard," said Kühmann, who stressed that the Europeans want to share their standards.Heinz Gaub, managing director, technology and engineering and injection press maker Arburg GmbH + Co. KG said that "the more global a standard is, the more advantageous it is for global companies like Arburg."In the United States, the Plastics Industry Association has formed a subcommittee to look at global standards for Industry 4.0, or the internet of things, as it's sometimes called.At the opening day news conference May 7, Bill Carteaux, president and CEO of the Washington-based association, said plastics associations from around the world will be meeting on the evening of May 9 during NPE2018 to discuss how to move ahead on global standards."The whole purpose is to talk about 4.0 and how we come together as the world to come up a standard, as opposed to everyone coming up with their own and saying well, this is the one," Carteaux said.Glenn Anderson, president of strategic account development at Milacron Holdings Corp. and chairman of NPE2018, said developing standards will be crucial to the wider use of Industry 4.0 technologies."There's no question we're going to have to come up with standards to be able to meander through all the challenges that come when you add that connectivity to our customers and to the technology," Anderson said.Kühmann said it's important for the plastics industry to work with industrial partners and develop its own standards for digital interfaces for its equipment, rather than giving an opening for other data-intensive industries to develop standards.Kühmann said the Euromap announcement is a first step, with much more development to come. Executives from other companies on the tour, which included Engel Austria GmbH, Battenfeld Cincinnati Group and Wittmann Battenfeld GmbH, suggested a time frame of one to two years to begin to see the other standards talked about on the tour.One thing was clear. Even if it's several years away, moving in the direction of 4.0 will require an upgrade for the skillset of machine operators in plastics processing plants, said Andreas Turk, director of sales at Battenfeld Cincinnati."The level of education at the line will increase — we need a higher level of skilled worker," Turk said, adding that more 4.0-related automation will probably result in fewer employees needed in processing factories."We may no longer need the worker who just cleans out the pipe," he said.
Aeyoung Park 2018-05-10
LED lighting is a growing market and is out selling other lighting technologies. Thanks to the developments of plastics technology, the majority of LED lighting products can benefit from the use of plastic materials for higher efficiency and more design freedom.In addition to their high energy efficiency and luminous efficacy, LEDs also offer a long service life and feature low maintenance costs, and are environmentally sound. In the US, the Department of Energy estimates that LEDs will comprise 84% of the lighting market by 2030.This has spurred significant development among material suppliers for new formulations aimed at offering better solutions for LED illumination at the forefront, which means a bright future to the both industries.It also represents more options and new opportunities for processors, primarily injection molders and sheet extruders, with a stake in this burgeoning market.The possibilities for developing modern head lamps, edge-lit lenses or designer lighting are so many, and the requirements to be met by new materials are just as varied as the applications themselves.Acrylic and polycarbonate have by and large replaced glass in LED lamps and luminaires. More recently, they have been joined by liquid silicone rubber (LSR). Specialty rigid PVCs for lenses and housings have also emerged. Some thermally conductive compounds aimed at replacing die-cast aluminum heat sinks are also paving their ways in the market.Material suppliers are definitely aware of the challenges ahead, and are striving to adapt to the rapid LED evolution to meet both performance and cost objectives.Acrylic for lens with specific structuresLighting is the third biggest power guzzlers in supermarkets after cooling and air-conditioning. Switching to energy-efficient LED lighting can cut power consumption, in particular wherever large surface areas need to be lit up.SPAR Austria, a retail leader in Europe, therefore has been equipping all of its new branches with LED lights from Zumtobel and is also refitting its existing branches.Zumtobel is an international lighting group and a leading supplier of innovative lighting solutions. “In supermarkets, efficient LED lighting often pays off after as little as 18 months, compared with neon lighting,” said Dieter Safarik, global key account manager for supermarkets at Zumtobel. “Today it makes no sense not to use LEDs.”The challenge was to find a solution to adjust the light distribution of the LEDs to the special requirements of supermarkets in which the main elements to be lit up are the shelves.As Dieter Safarik explained, the LED lights normally only illuminate the floor as evenly as possible, therefore the new LED lights need a light-guiding material that enables vertical illumination of the entire shelf front, as evenly and brightly as possible. Meanwhile, the floor area that often becomes soiled in poor weather is kept darker on purpose.Evonik’s PLEXIGLAS was chosen to meet these requirements. Various grades of PLEXIGLAS molding compounds are used for the manufacture of optical covers and special lenses.This trademarked acrylic offers high light transmission of 92% and is especially suitable for lighting applications. The material also remains transparent for a long time and shows no yellowing.The material is able to accurately reproduce the lens surface, and has good light-guiding properties. This combination allows for manufacture of lenses with specific structures that provide variable directional characteristics.High diffusion provides pleasant and efficient lightingApart from supermarkets, PLEXIGLAS is also the material of choice for providing uniform and pleasant light in workplaces. The diffusers of the re-designed LED lamp heads from Jakob MAUL GmbH are made of PLEXIGLAS Satinice df23.“The quality of light in a workplace has a distinct influence on the motivation and performance curve,” says Uwe Hartmann, development engineer at Jakob MAUL GmbH. In the worst case, improper lighting or a lack of light can even lead to health impairments.“Therefore, the most important thing for a desk luminaire is that the light provides pleasant visibility – for instance, not cause glare or cast annoying shadows,” explains Hartmann.Particularly when a company needs a lot of lights, however, the energy efficiency of the office lighting also plays an increasingly important role. Jakob MAUL GmbH in Bad König has therefore added LED luminaires to its product range.The advantages of these modern lighting systems are far superior to conventional lighting in regard to light yield, efficiency, and service life. In addition, thanks to their smaller size, they allow slim design.The combination of optimal light-diffusing effect and low transmittance loss provides efficient workplace lighting.However, LEDs alone do not create pleasant lighting. When LEDs are used, there are also increased requirements upon the lamp materials. For example, they require better thermal management than other types of lighting. In addition, they depend on a light-diffusing element, which distributes their punctiform light in an optimal way.In the latest generation LED table luminaires, Jakob MAUL GmbH has therefore not only adapted the cooling ribs, but for the first time is also using a diffuser cover. It is installed in front of the LEDs and, combined with a reflector, provides a greater surface of illumination.Overlapping shadows are thus avoided. The edge of the illuminated area is not demarcated so abruptly, and the infinitely adjustable color temperature is rendered accurately,” explains Hartmann.The company produces the diffuser cover sheet in an injection-molding process using the light-diffusing molding compound PLEXIGLAS Satinice df23. This is a special molding compound from Evonik that is particularly well adapted to the requirements of lighting systems.Evonik has even developed separate formulations of its branded polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) for the different requirements, as every function that light can perform places its own requirements upon the light-diffusing or guiding material.Jakob MAUL GmbH chose PLEXIGLAS Satinice df23 because the material offers the optimal light-diffusing effect along with low transmittance loss.“It is only through this combination that we are able to provide efficient workplace lighting,” says Hartmann.A model with the new lamp head, the MAULoptimus, has been nominated for the prestigious design prize German Design Award 2018.LSR for higher optical clarityLSR suppliers remark that their materials can replace glass and thermoplastics, offering the durability, clarity and design freedom for next generation LED lighting that was not previously possible for applications such as automotive and outdoor and technical lighting.Operating temperatures for emerging LEDs are higher than before as designers increase the level of driving current in LEDs while decreasing the overall size of the lighting fixture. The high temperatures may cause conventional epoxies and thermoplastics to turn yellow and physically degrade over time.Momentive Performance Materials is a pioneer in LSR technology, its Silopren LSR 7000 series advances the LED lighting revolution with an even clearer, more durable material to make designers’ creative ideas a reality.The company demonstrated the processing capabilities and benefits of the Ultra Clear Silopren LSR 7000 series and other LSR for optical applications live using injection molding at the LIGHTFAIR International of last year.Silopren LSR 7180 LSR, the newest product in the series, combines UL 94 V1 and 5VA flame resistance with excellent optical clarity and long-term color stability. In addition, it is f1 rated for outdoor use in accordance with UL 746C. This additional feature can offer significant performance enhancements for SSL design in LED lighting and optical applications.PVC compounds for luminaire housingsPolyOne announced at the recently held Strategies in Light 2018 that it can enable LED lighting manufacturers to successfully innovate by combining its portfolio of flame-retardant, specialty polymers with collaborative design services.The company has commercialized grades of its Resilience LS (Luminaire Series) PVC compounds into lighting applications such as lenses and housings. The emerging LED lighting has created opportunities as well as challenges for PVC, as the materials around them have to last for a long time, according to PolyOne.The outdoor landscape light deck from the Nuvi collection by Hinkley. The materials are being used in luminaire housings made by Hinkley Lighting, an innovative lighting manufacturer, which was looking to develop a new light for its outdoor landscape category. The new LED housings must have strong chemical and corrosion resistance, UV tolerance, high strength, high impact resistance and long-lasting aesthetics.The Resilience LS family of rigid vinyl formulations offers long-term color hold, UV stability and thin-wall 5VA flame retardancy to meet the technical requirements.Unlike other polymer compounds, rigid vinyl’s inherent flame retardancy and UV resistance require minimal amounts and reduced types of additives in order to maintain long-lasting color and protection for the LED’s and electronic circuitry, says PolyOne.Besides, the total manufacturing costs were reduced by more than 25% compared to metal as a result of faster cycle times, increased productivity and reduced scrap.The collaboration resulted in the award-winning Nuvi hardscape luminaire, which features a textured housing in multiple brilliant finishes. The durability of Resilience LS rigid vinyl complements the beautiful design to provide low maintenance performance and many years of lasting color.Flame retardancy is a fundamental requirement for all electrical applications seeking UL approval, and LED lighting is no exception. The Resilience LS Vinyl Polymers are formulated to meet UL flame rating standards. 
Aeyoung Park 2018-05-04
China, US add plastics to their trade warAn escalating trade war between the United States and China is hitting the plastics sector with Chinese officials announcing tariffs on 106 U.S. products, including plastics, and the U.S. targeting machinery and molds.Both nations are eyeing a rate of 25 percent. Final numbers and the effective dates of the new tariffs have not been finalized. The list of U.S. plastics products targeted by China include numerous resins and finished products.Plastics industry officials were scrambling to react to the news in the first hours after the two countries' announcements. By the afternoon of April 4, Plastics Industry Association President and CEO Bill Carteaux urged officials to "reconsider" their actions.“China is proposing tariffs on plastic materials and plastic products from the U.S., while the U.S. is proposing tariffs on plastics machinery from China," Carteaux said in a news release from the association. "This is despite the fact that both countries would benefit from a freer approach to trade, one that lies in a different direction than the one that both countries seem to be taking. The persistent trade deficit that the U.S. has had with China is troublesome, and springs from real structural issues that should be resolved, but not through tariffs, which only serve to limit our industry’s potential growth."Carteaux expressed confidence in the plastics industry's ability to withstand anxieties in the global market, but the threats threaten to "disrupt the supply chains of companies large and small if they take effect."Before these tariffs take effect, we urge both countries to reconsider taking yet another step in the wrong direction with their economic policies, and urge both nations to come together to find real solutions that benefit all companies and consumers,” he said.In a statement, American Chemistry Council president and CEO Cal Dooley said that U.S. chemical manufacturers "believe the principles of free and fair trade should apply to all members of the [World Trade Organization], and that includes China."ACC represents many producers of chemicals and plastic materials, including resins. Dooley added that "however, engaging in a trade war with one of our country’s most significant trading partners is not the answer.""We strongly urge both the U.S. and Chinese governments to work together to come to a satisfactory and mutually beneficial decision before this situation escalates further," he added.China is one of the U.S. chemical industry’s most important trading partners, importing 11 percent, or $3.2 billion, of all U.S. plastic resins in 2017, according to ACC. Dooley said ACC officials "are particularly concerned" that 40 percent of the products to which China has assigned new tariffs are chemicals, including polyethylene, PVC, polycarbonates, acrylates, and others. “Nearly $185 billion in new chemical factories, expansions and restarts of facilities around the country are predicated on current tariff schedules, and market shifts caused by tariff increases may convince investors to do business elsewhere," he added. "We strongly urge the U.S. and China to reach a productive and meaningful agreement before any of the proposed tariff schedules go into effect.”Dwight Morgan, vice president of corporate development at resin distributor M. Holland Co. in Northbrook, Ill., said that his firm “is optimistic about the outlook for our industry, regardless of the near-term politics.”“Plastic resins are one of the few areas where we have a meaningful merchandise trade surplus,” he added. “We’re hopeful that the end result of these trade tensions will be a free, fair playing field for all industries, and not a trade war.“At the end of the day, though, we believe that market forces prevail in the global economy, and the U.S. plastics industry is among the most competitive in the world.”The United States kicked off the trade war on March 1 when it announced tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum. The U.S. has since announced tariffs on additional products. China now has taken that step twice.The proposed U.S. tariffs cover a massive list of industrial products, including injection molding machines, extruders, blow molding machines and thermoforming equipment.Bill Duff, general manager of sales and marketing of Yizumi-HPM Corp. — which sells machines made in China by Guangdong Yizumi Precision Machinery Co. Ltd. — said the parent company did not give any immediate communication.“But certainly it’s not conducive to promote business,” Duff said. “Entering into a trade war, which is what’s happening, is going to hurt everybody.”Yizumi-HPM imports machines from Guangdong Yizumi in China, built to its specifications for U.S. customers. The cost of the Trump administration’s tariffs is going to be passed onto the consumer—resulting in higher prices, he said.“So, that means increased prices on all equipment that we sell: die casting, injection molding, metalworking presses. They’ve all been slated for this 25 percent tariff, so that really [results] into higher prices for our customers,” Duff said.Tariffs on Chinese industrial goods will have a broad impact across the entire capital machinery sector, plastics and otherwise. Many plastics machinery manufacturers in the United States, Europe and Asia build some machines in China, and nearly all of them buy some Chinese-made components.The 58-page list of U.S. tariffs on Chinese-made products covers nearly every imaginable type of machine and component, including machine tools, steel and aluminum, molds, machine bases and platens, screws, motors, pumps, dryers, printing equipment, and testing instruments.Glenn Frohring, president of Absolute Haitian Machinery Corp., said so many companies produce equipment in China that the impact will be large. Absolute Haitian gets its machinery from Haitian International Holdings Ltd. in China.“In the short term, there’s really no concern, because we’ve got a lot of inventory and we’re able to work with customers on trying to do anything to offset any tariffs. But it of course it has an impact, and I think it impacts just about everybody.”Haitian, as a giant maker of machinery, “also is in a position to be the most flexible and creative when it comes to selling equipment into the U.S. market,” Frohring said.At some point, would tariffs cause Absolute Haitian to raise prices? Frohring said no comment, but he added: “25 percent, it’s got to come from somewhere.”Duff of Yizumi-HPM said it would be better for business if the United States and China can back away from the tariffs.“Building walls and making barriers to trade is not good for business, period.”US products on China's listU.S.-made products targeted for tariffs by Chinese officials include:• Primary shaped polycarbonate.• Other polyesters.• Reaction initiators, accelerators not elsewhere specified.• Polyethylene with a primary shape specific gravity of less than 0.94.• Acrylonitrile.• Primary shaped epoxy resin.• Polyethylene terephthalate plate film foil strips.• Other self-adhesive plastic plates, sheets, films and other materials.• Other plastic non-foam plastic sheets.• Other plastic products.• Other primary vinyl polymers .• Other ethylene-alpha-olefin copolymers, specific gravity less than 0.94.• Other primary shapes of acrylic polymers.• Other primary shapes of pure PVC.• Polysiloxane in primary shape.• Other primary polysulphides, polysulfones and other tariff numbers as set forth in note 3 to chapter 39 are not listed.• Plastic plates, sheets, films, foils and strips, not elsewhere specified.• Adhesives based on other rubber or plastics.• Nylon 6/6 slices.• Other primary-shaped polyethers.• Primary shaped, unplasticized cellulose acetate,• Aromatic nylons and their copolymers.• Semi-aromatic nylons and their copolymers.• Other nylons of primary shape.• Other vinyl polymer plates, sheets, strips.Other plastics industry representatives were studying the list on April 4 and weighing a reaction.Source: Plastics News
Aeyoung Park 2018-04-10
The emerging production shift of the Chinese plastics industryIn recent years, China has been implementing the strategy of open economy and regional developments, and therefore the infrastructure and investment environment of the central and western regions were significantly improved. The industrial developments in the cities of these regions are picking up momentum very quickly.According to the statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the growth of industrial values for enterprises above designated level in central and western China were 1.2% and 0.2% higher than the country average level in the first three quarters of 2017.In the wake of the rising electricity and labor cost as well as the shortage of land resources in eastern China, more enterprises in the automotive, E&E, printing and packaging industries are shifting their production to central and western China. This production shift is reinforcing the development of the plastic industry in these regions.Chongqing to form a plastics industry cluster▲ Chongqing Xiyong Micro-Electronics Industrial Park.Located at the upper course of the Yangtze River, Chongqing is the strategic pivot of the national Belt and Road Initiative and the Yangtze River Economic Zone.The city is also the starting point of the Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe Railway, also known as Yu’Xin’Ou Railway, and a key import and export city in western China.Huge quantity of plastics machinery and plastic materials are imported into China through Chongqing every year. The city is now an important trading and service centre for materials procurement. It is also a city of choice for investors targeting to unlock the market potential of the central and western China.Chongqing is one of the biggest production bases of notebook computers in the world, and the second largest production base of automobiles in China, representing loads of opportunities to the plastics industry. The market demand for plastics is expected to reach 7 million tons at RMB 200 billion by 2025.The Chongqing local government is focusing on the establishment of a giant plastics industry park, so as to facilitate the forming of a plastics industry cluster in the city.According to the planning, the production value of the plastics industry park will reach hundreds of billions of RMB, and house the production of plastic products, molds, modified plastics, research & development, testing and trading.Wuhan continues expanding its automotive industryWuhan is the first Chinese city that has the production lines of five automakers from four countries.Wuhan is the first city in China that has the production lines of five automakers from four countries, including France, Japan, USA and China. In the last five years, the automotive industry in the city has been expanding continuously. Wuhan is the largest automotive production base in central China, and ranks sixth in China now.In 2016, about 1.76 millions of automobiles at a value of RMB 306 billion were manufactured Wuhan, contributing 23% of the total industrial production of the city. The rocket growing automotive industry in Wuhan is pushing the development of automotive plastics industry of the city.Kingfa Sci. & Tech. Co., Ltd., the Guangdong based leading Chinese modified plastics enterprise, invested RMB 5 billion in Wuhan Economic Development Zone for the development and production of new high performance materials. The project focuses on modified plastics and carbon fiber composites used for the automotive, E&E and aerospace applications. After the project completion in 2018, the annual capacity will reach 520,000 tons with production value of RMB 15 billion.Xi’an rises with packaging and automotive industries growingThe printing and packing industries in Xi’an have been developing rapidly over the last few years. Currently, there are 52 enterprises in the printing and packing production base located in Xi’an with a total investment of RMB 2.99 billion and annual sales of RMB 3.473 billion.Numerous leading Chinese medical and pharmaceutical enterprises have set up their facilities in the Biomedical Park in Gaoxin District of Xi’an, including Sinopharm, CP Pharmaceutical, Xi’an Haixin, Ginwa Enterprise, and Xi’an Chiho, etc. The presence of these enterprises will push the development of medical packaging industry in the city.Meanwhile, there are almost a thousand of large food production enterprises in Xi’an. As an indispensable part for food production, the food packaging industry enjoys a promising future.There are more than 1,300 IT enterprises in Xi’an, of which more than 1,000 are located in the Gaoxin District. With ZTE and Huawei as the leaders and supported by many small and medium enterprises like CNT and Hua Jing, the district will emerge as an important cluster for the communications, software and E&E sectors in Shanxi province.Besides, the automotive industry in Xi’an is promising. Headed by the Shaanxi Automobile Group, FAST Group and BYD, a big project will be launched, which will transform the city into an important production base of new energy vehicles in China. The project aims at expanding the manufacturing of light to medium trucks, specialty vehicles, automotive powertrains, transmission systems, and other key components and parts of the city.For example, Geely is working on a project for the production of 300,000 new energy vehicles in Xi’an, FAST Group will start the production of 100,000 transmission systems for light to medium trucks, and BYD will also complete the setup for a production of 5,000 electric passenger buses.Source: China Plastic & Rubber Journal
Aeyoung Park 2018-04-02