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Market trends

Source: CPRJ Editorial Team    ▲ A new generation of linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) packaging based on Addivant's nonylphenol-free stabilizer WESTON 705 has successfully hit the consumer shelves. A new generation of linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) packaging based on Addivant's nonylphenol-free stabilizer WESTON 705 has successfully hit the consumer market."Due to its high phosphorous content, WESTON 705 reduces the use of antioxidants by up to 20%, allowing for more flexibility in formulations and recycling," said Dr. Jonathan Hill, Chief Technology Officer for Addivant. "Polyethylene (PE) resins based on WESTON 705 are easier to process, more versatile, and create less plateout or gels than resins based on conventional solid phosphite antioxidant."WESTON 705 has been approved globally by more than 20 major polymer manufacturers. It is, as the company said, the only liquid antioxidant for PE producers offering a broadly tested single-additive solution for global converters and packaging manufacturers.The growth of WESTON 705 in food packaging is being fueled by consumers and regulators increasing their focus on substances that unintentionally migrate from packaging into food, according to Addivant.Non-governmental organizations and authorities worldwide are pushing new food packaging regulations with a key focus on these Non-Intentionally Added Substances (NIAS). An example is the new Chinese food-contact law GB9685-2016 which, effective October 2017, will not allow greater than 10ppb of nonylphenol to migrate into food.WESTON 705 is the industry's only liquid phosphite antioxidant with a full, clean NIAS human safety assessment and is approved for food contact by more than 50 countries, including the US Food & Drug Administartion (FDA), the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), and China’s National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC).By the end of 2017, Addivant will have expanded its WESTON 705 capacity five-fold compared to early 2016 at its Morgantown, West Virginia, the US plant and in China."This is another important milestone for Addivant's more than $30 million investments in technology and capacity for WESTON 705," said John Steitz, Addivant's CEO. "We are establishing a new standard in our industry and it is crucial that we stay ahead of demand and provide full security of supply for our global customers."The company anticipates an additional expansion in 2018. https://www.adsalecprj.com/Publicity/MarketNews/lang-eng/article-67025993/tc-en_CPRJ_EN_20170329/NewsArticle.aspx
Ms. Kang 2017-04-07
Persistence Market Research Pvt. Ltd  Metal injection molding (MIM) and ceramic injection molding (CIM) are advanced manufacturing technology used in manufacturing of complex, precision, net shape components from metal and ceramic powder respectively. Together these two technologies are popularly known as powder injection molding (PIM). Metal and ceramic injection molding technology offers the design flexibility for unlimited choice of material offered by powder metallurgy (powdered metal and ceramic). CIM(Ceramic Injection Molding), RauschertMIM(Metal Injection Molding), Tanfel MetalPIM(Powder Injection Molding), Wittmann BattenfeldMetal and ceramic injection molding provide better dimensional and productivity limits of isostatic pressing and slip casting. It improves lenience capacity of investment casting, further it improves mechanical strength, and the shape limitation of the products. The low cost, complex designing capabilities of MIM and CIS technology offers higher economy of scale and lessens the manufacturing time by eradicating production steps such as machining and finishing. There are mainly four steps involved in metal and ceramic injection molding market namely, feedstock preparation, injection modelling, debinding and sintering.Metal injection molding holds larger share as compared to ceramic injection molding. This is attributed to its increase use in automobiles and consumers market (such as watches and eyeglasses). The ceramic injection molding is widely used in manufacturing of medical and health care equipments. Metal injection molding leaves lower carbon foot print compare to some of the other injection technique such as ceramic casting and other injection molding techniques. Rapid industrialization, particularly the shifting of automobiles industries’ manufacturing in developing countries of Asia Pacific is driving the market of metal and ceramic injection molding market in this region. Further stringent regulation to reduce carbon footprint and enhance performance requirement is keeping the growth lucrative in Europe and North America. High threat from substitution from other molding techniques due to easy availability and user friendly, easy tooling, moderate working requirements and cost effective operation, has became one of the challenge for the industry in recent years. Asia Pacific is the largest market for metal and ceramic injection molding technology and still growing in double digit. Such high growth rate is attributed to increasing manufacturing industries in developing countries. Further with increasing gross domestic product (GDP) of the developing countries of Asia Pacific the overall market for advance modeling technology such as metal and ceramic injection molding is expected to grow in coming years. Europe is the second largest market for metal and ceramic injection molding owing to demand from automotive manufactures in Germany and Italy. Further increasing demand of consumer good is also propelling the overall market of metal and ceramic injection molding market. North America is the largest market of ceramic injection molding owing to high demand from health care industries. Request to view Table of content @ www.persistencemarketresearch.com/toc/3053The major companies operating in global metal and ceramic injection modeling market include AB Components, G-Mag International, Hong Ya Industrial, Datumag Inc., Abbot Furnace Company, Affinity International LLC., Cypress Industries, and Britt Manufacturing Co.http://www.openpr.com/news/378488/Metal-and-Ceramic-Injection-Molding-Market-Expecting-Worldwide-Growth-by-2020.html
Ms.Kang 2016-11-09
 Russell said the study was admittedly “risky,” but it provides a new lens into the industry’s ongoing sustainability discussion.  “Even though the plastics industry is probably a little bit uncomfortable with a dollar value being assigned to the environmental consequences of production, the more we can make better decisions to improve our business, the better,” he said. “As more and more companies … start looking at the consequences of their decisions, they need good information on which to base those decisions.”  In addition, the report recommends steps to help further reduce plastics' overall environmental costs by as much as $41 billion industry-wide, including suggestions such as:• A potential $7.6 billion in overall cost savings from increasing the use of wind, solar and hydro-electric power sources in plastics production.• A possible $7.3 billion in environmental costs savings from a 30 percent reduction in materials used in the food, soft drink and ice packaging sectors alone.• A potential $10.6 billion savings if the industry committed to a 20 percent improvement in fuel efficiency for the fleets of vehicles used to transport plastic and plastic products.While consumers are accustomed to only looking at their piece of the puzzle — the end of a piece of plastic’s life, usually as they hold it in their hand — manufacturers and policy makers must see things more broadly, and the study puts more data into perspective for them than ever before, say Trucost and ACC.“Plastics makers are used to hearing about the downsides of our products. And this study is disruptive of conventional wisdom that says plastics are bad for the environment or that we should use other materials,” Russell said. “But all of the pieces weighed together need to be considered if we want to make the best decision for the planet and the environment. That’s why this study is important…. Not just the end-of-life piece, the full lifecycle.” By Gayle S. Putrich    http://www.plasticsnews.com/article/20160726/NEWS/160729849/study-plastics-reduce-environmental-impact  
Brandy 2016-08-31