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WITTMANN Group reaches new record sales in robot business ▲ Novelties in the field of automation:PRIMUS 16 and PRIMUS 14 for pick-and-place applications,newly designed A-C-servo axis, W853 pro robot(from top left to bottom right).2017 has been a highly successful year for the WITTMANN Group’s robot business, with the company’s robot segment reached a new record in sales. A total of 5,000 robots were shipped from the four existing robot plants of the WITTMANN Group in Europe, China and the US.Even though the production capacities at the robot manufacturing plants in Mosonmagyaróvár (Hungary) and at the Austrian headquarters in Vienna were extended substantially during the last two years, these capacities were fully utilized throughout the year 2017, according to WITTMANN. Parallel to the increased demand for standard robots, the demand for automation solutions has also grown. In order to provide additional capacities for automation and gripper systems, the extensions of the production facilities in Nuremberg, Germany and in Písek, Czech Republic are currently under way, says WITTMANN. In addition, the extension of the automation segment in the US was already completed in 2016 and ran to full capacity in the following year. Moreover, the automation department of the WITTMANN Group’s Indian subsidiary was also extended last year.Product innovations on track The WITTMANN Group also brought about numerous innovations on the product side in last year. Two new appliances were introduced in the PRIMUS robot series, i.e. PRIMUS 14 and PRIMUS 16. These new robot models have been optimized for standard pick-and-place applications and recommend themselves by their excellent price-performance ratio. Another new model is the W853 pro robot. With its 45 kg payload, it takes up the position between the W843 pro with 35 kg and the W863 pro with 75 kg payload. Its innovative rotating servo axes come with an even more compact design, thus minimizing the mold opening stroke to achieve even shorter parts removal times. With the R9 robot control system, which offers numerous new functions, a very special new development has been launched. This control system stands out by its integrated digital robot twin functionality, which is available as standard. This is an identical digital image (or simulation) of the physical robot. It enables virtual validation of a given programmed process at any time – without any risks for the actual processing machine or the robot. And although the display screen of the new R9 TeachBox has now been enlarged to a diagonal of 10.1", its weight has been reduced by 150 g compared to the predecessor model, which improves ergonomics and contributes to fatigue-free work.WITTMANN Robot Systeme GmbHAm Tower 290475 NurembergGERMANYTel.: +49 9128 7099-0info.de@wittmann-group.comwww.wittmann-group.comSource: WITTMANN Group, China Plastic & Rubber Journal International
관리자 2018-01-29
Arburg's Technology on Tour in Germany till July 2018-  From Hamburg to Munich: 15 exclusive events for Arburg customers in Germany-  A focus on trending topics: Lightweight construction and Industry 4.0-  Inspired: Excellent feedback on customer-focused series of eventsArburg is organizing a roadshow, "Technology on Tour", from September 2017 to July 2018, with 15 events to be organized in total in various regions in Germany."With this exclusive series of events we are able to inform around 50 customers at each time directly and locally about trends in plastics processing – from Hamburg to Radolfzell and from Dresden to Radevormwald," explained Oliver Giesen, Sales Director for Germany. "Demand is high and the participants of the first five events held so far were absolutely delighted.""Technology on Tour" event's first stop was Heilbronn in September 2017, and the final event will take place in Munich in July 2018."The compact presentations offer a first overview of the key topics, the details can be looked at in more depth later," said Giesen. One presentation, for example, introduces the ProFoam and Mucell lightweight construction processes as well as fiber direct compounding.The presentation on Industry 4.0 examines the digitalization of production and innovative solutions. Among other items, it outlines new possibilities for added value by means of efficient production of small-volume batches and customer-specific one-off parts, requirements concerning the smart machine, smart production and smart services in the smart factory as well as the analysis of the gathered complex data and functions of assistance systems.Based on the favorable response of its customers, Arburg is planning to take the roadshow to an international level in the coming years."I have gained a good overview of Industry 4.0 and lightweight construction and have learned how Arburg and the other attendees view and handle these issues," said Klaus Dieter Schell, Technical Director at Heinlein Plastik-Technik from Ansbach, one of the event's participants.Another participant, Christian Mirtschin, Technical Manager Factory 2 for Bergi-Plast GmbH, added that "Technology on Tour" provided him with valuable ideas and suggestions to further develop his own concept for production digitalization.Source: CPRJ.comPicture: Arbug.com
Aeyoung Park 2018-01-02
Confirmed: Husky to Change OwnerYesterday, Platinum Equity announced it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Husky IMS International Ltd., Bolton, Ontario/Canada. The transaction is expected to close during the second quarter of 2018. Members of Husky’s management team will remain significant investors in the business through continued equity ownership.Platinum Equity will be purchasing the company from Boston based private equity firm Berkshire Partners LLC, and Omers Private Equity Inc., the private equity arm of Omers, the defined benefit pension plan for Ontario’s municipal employees. Berkshire Partners LLC and Omers acquired Husky in June of 2011. “Husky is an extraordinary company with a well-deserved reputation for developing the industry’s most innovative technology,” said Louis Samson, the Platinum Equity Partner who led the transaction. “John Galt and his team have built one of Canada’s most successful enterprises and a truly world class industrial company. We are excited to partner with such an exceptional leadership team and we aim to help them continue raising the bar.”Husky is a global enterprise with approximately 75 % of its sales generated outside North America. In addition to complete injection molding solutions, Husky provides aftermarket services and parts to a large and growing installed base of systems globally. Husky’s management team will continue to lead the company. “In Platinum, Husky has found a partner that brings a wealth of experience, a highly capable team, and a shared enthusiasm for building great companies. I am confident that by working together we will find new and exciting ways to serve our customers,” said John Galt, Husky’s President and CEO.Founded in 1995 by Tom Gores, Platinum Equity is a global investment firm with USD 13 billion of assets under management and a portfolio of more than 30 operating companies that serve customers around the world.Source: http://www.kunststoffe.de/en/news/overview/artikel/confirmed-husky-to-change-owner-5016478.html?etcc_cmp=Newsletter+KUint-News&etcc_med=Newsletter
관리자 2017-12-27
YIZUMI CONNECT 2017 Ends SuccessfullyYIZUMI CONNECT 2017, the first large-scale industry event for advanced molding technology held by Yizumi and started on November 16 finally came to an end on November 22. Nearly 1500 people, including Yizumi’s customers, partners and the media were invited to the event that was featured by rich content, sparkling highlights and widely recognized by the attendees.Four seminars, nearly 1,500 attendeesYIZUMI CONNECT 2017 opened on November 16 and lasted for 7 days. During the event, four technical seminars for injection molding & packaging, die casting & robotic automation, rubber and supply chain were held. Representatives of well-known businesses, such as Silver Basis, Rifeng, Sunny, Guangdong Huwei, Nanhai Hanwen, FAW Foundry, Hongtu Technology, Great Wall Motor, Siemens and TE Connectivity and media professionals of the injection molding, die casting and rubber industries, a total of nearly 1,500 people attended the event.Polymer and metal forming equipment on showYizumi specially set up a 2,500㎡ exhibition hall at its Wusha production base for the one-week event which was a showcase for various automation solutions to plastic and rubber molding, including FoamPro foamed briefcases, multi-component console cup holder parts, high-gloss car spoilers, automotive trunk gears, 1000ml disposable containers, small cups with IML, O-rings and brake diaphragms, covering automotive, medical, mobile phones, home appliances and other sectors.Yizumi also showed the assembly of a 4000T heavy-duty die casting machine and the self-developed robotic integrated system solution at its Ronggui production base, attracting numerous professional audiences.Four concurrent forumsDuring November 16-18, Yizumi held four technical forums where more than 10 Chinese and European industry experts and business leaders gave keynote speeches, discussed the latest trends in the market and industry cooperation and exchanged ideas. Before every forum in the afternoon, Yizumi arranged a buffet lunch in Yizumi’s sports park so that the guests could enjoy the lakeside scenery and food at the same time.Connect China with Europe to explore the futureMany participants at home and abroad gave high marks on YIZUMI CONNECT 2017, the first industry gathering held by Yizumi since it was established 15 years ago, and they looked forward to the second edition of the event 3 years later in 2020. "The purpose of this event is to connect Chinese and European advanced molding technologies and the industry ecosystem, to promote the progress of the industry together. In the future, we will continue to hold such a technical activity to create a communication platform for the industry,” said Richard Yan, Yizumi Managing Director.Source: www.yizumi.co.kr
Ms. Park 2017-12-27
On the 8th and9th of September, Hankook Delcam had its annual User Group Conference atSINTEX/La Vie D'or Resort in Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do. Since it is the biggestevent for their customers, Autodesk executives attended it from oversea, and introducedAutodesk’s products, and business strategy. Vice President Pete Baxter, SrDirector Bart Simpson, and APAC Director of Sales Koji Tsujino shared theirinsights about smart manufacturing and the user group conference during theinterview with Handler. ▲ Autodesk VicePresident Pete Baxter(right), Sr Director BartSimpson(second from left), APAC Director of Sales Koji Tsujino(left) What are the Autodesk’sstrategies for smart manufacturing trend?During the presentation, I talked about big changes in themarket. The really big changes we see are that organizations have a choice.They can just focus on reducing the costs, but that’s the strategy that overtime they compete against each other, and push the costs down and down. Whatreally smart manufacturing is about using new technology to enable to add more value.What you are trying to do to add more value is providing things which is morevaluable to the customer than what they have today. One of the classic exampleis customizing the product to ensure that the product most closely matches whatthe customer needs. In the same way we will know that we will pay more moneyfor a car which is configured to exactly the way we want. Old manufacturers arepushing down this particular line, but to enable them to customize products,they have many more challenges in both designing and delivering products. Itmeans that they need to have more people involved, more complex design andmanufacturing processes, and they have to manage the information. They need totake advantage of those new manufacturing techniques that are available tothem, so it is no longer purely about subtractive machining processes,combining additive and subtractive, combining robotics, combining with datathat we get from sensors in our factories which can make our factories more flexible.Therefore, we have got more variations in the products which are needed to havefaster and more complex manufacturing processes. On top of that, we have gotthis opportunity to bring together both physical products and the digitalelement. The products which we would have thought of being dumb a few years agoare all intelligent products today. The classic example is the washing machine connectedto the Internet. All of these are about providing more capabilities tocustomers. Both in terms of products that are customized to produce in thefactories but it is also the same about the machines in that factories. In thesame way, we need to produce products which are connected for our customers.Within the factory, we use machines which are connected, so our customers want tocapture information about how the machines are used, and to understand how theycan use that to inform the decisions they make. How do you collaborate withHankook Delcam Ltd. in terms of “The future of making things”, which Autodeskis focusing on now?What Hankook Delcam is delivering to customers is thecombination of technical products and the knowledge and the expertise on howthe products are used. It means is that they have to be very close to thecustomers to understand both what the customers try to do today, and what thecustomers want to do tomorrow. Where we work closely with Hankook Delcam is toinform the decisions we make about products. The value that Hankook Delcamprovides their customers and Autodesk is their manufacturing expertise to helpinform where we take the products. By being close to their customers enablesthem to provide much more valuable input to us to deliver on the nextgeneration products. The other aspect of that is with all of resellers andpartners they develop additional technology to enhance the process and bettersupport local markets. AIMS which you heard about today is the classic exampleof additional automation which Hankook Delcam has built on top of Autodesk’stechnology which enables them to meet the specific needs of groups of customersin these markets. Overtime we are rebuilding all of the products andcapabilities within Autodesk into a series of web services specifically to makeit easier for organizations to enable them to build their own small factories.  ▲ Autodesk SrDirector Bart Simpson is giving a speech on “Smart Manufacturing Overview” inthe 28th Hankook Delcam User Group Conference. What can Autodesk provideHankook Delcam Ltd. CADCAM users to improve productivity and increase sales intheir fields? We can talk about some of things which has been different sinceAutodesk acquired Hankook Delcam. Hankook Delcam has had a lot of technologyfor driving machine tools, such as machining software for measuring things onmachines tools. What Autodesk has had is fabulous technology such as simulating,designing tooling, and additive manufacturing technology. For any manufacturingcompany, they need pieces of technology working together to provide them with realbenefits. With billions dollars of investment which Autodesk has made, the keything that we have today is putting together all of these various technologyand developing capabilities to automate the workflow between those products. Last August, Autodesk launchedgenerative design feature which is a part of Netfabb software. Could you tellme the importance of this feature?Generative design is a massive change. Previously, affectively,designers had the ideas what they wanted to achieve, and then they had to comeup with the design which would enable them to achieve what they wanted. The bigchange in what a designer is doing is just telling the computer software whathe or she wants to achieve, and the computer software is coming up withdifferent solutions. Today, we saw the example from Stanley Black & Decker.That is clear on the design side how the system is coming up with a lot ofdifferent designs. In addition, there is no reason that we cannot use similar processeswe think about how we would manufacture that. Because we do the same thing withmanufacturing. We know what we want to make, but the manufacturing engineers haveto think about how we make it. However, clearly, generative design has anopportunity not only to help the design parts, but also to design manufacturingprocesses or the way the machines move to make parts. Generative design has thepotential to impact every single step in the process. Also, generative designrequires to have a lot of processing capability, because we are usingsimulation technology to understand what these different designs would give us.As we have moved to cloud computing with its virtually infinite amount ofcomputing capacity, generative design comes to its own. You couldn’t do it ifyou just used a desktop PC.  What is your impression aboutthis year’s Hankook Delcam Ltd. User Group Conference?It is a fabulous event. You see the talents within HankookDelcam when you see both the customers and the big team of the engineers in thebeginning of the event. I believe that the expectation from the next generationof the customers, and the capabilities of the next generation of the engineersare the most exciting thing for the Korean market. Hankook Delcam customers andthe team are young, motivated, and intelligent. That is a great foundation forthe future for the organization, customers, and country. 
Ms. Kang 2017-09-25
Marion Sommerwerck has with immediate effect taken charge of the Corporate Communication and Marketing department of the KraussMaffei Group. She reports to CEO Dr. Frank Stieler.  The graduate business economist has over 25 years of professional experience in publicity work and marketing. She joins us from the Weidmüller Group, a globally active company in the electrical engineering sector, where she worked in corporate communication. Previously, Ms. Sommerwerck was employed for many years as a marketing and PR manager at renowned consulting firms, including Arthur D. Little and A.T. Kearney. She began her professional career in the media industry, where she was responsible for the press and publicity work at the Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt (publishing group).   Her future core tasks at the KraussMaffei Group will include the strategic further development and implementation of all the company's communication and marketing measures, the expansion of digital communication and the enhancement of the brand profile of the KraussMaffei Group as one of the world's leading manufacturers of machines and systems for the production and processing of plastic and rubber.   CEO Dr. Frank Stieler: "We are delighted that in Marion Sommerwerck we have been able to gain a high-profile and creative communication manager for our company. We are sure that, with her expertise and support, we will be able to successfully develop further the public perception and reputation of the KraussMaffei Group."  
Ms. Kang 2017-09-22
- Matthias Sieverding has taken over the management of the Extrusion segment, effective from August 15. - The 47-year old engineer has been working for KraussMaffei Group for almost two decades with only a short gap in between.  - In the Group’s Executive Committee Sieverding takes the seat of Peter Roos, who leaves the Company   ▲ Matthias Sieverding, 47, is the new President of KraussMaffei Group´s Extrusion Segment   Matthias Sieverding has taken over the management of KraussMaffei Group’s Extrusion Segment, effective from August 15. The 47-year old engineer and trained tool maker has been working for KraussMaffei Group for almost two decades with just one short interruption in between. In the Group’s Executive Committee Sieverding follows Peter Roos, who leaves the company.   Sieverding started his career at KraussMaffei Group after he finished university with a diploma in mechanical engineering. In 2000 he became an Application Engineer in the Injection Molding Machinery Segment. Later on he performed in various positions, among them as Head of Application Department Injection Molding and as Sales Director Technologies and Applications. In 2010 he took over the management of the Extrusion Segment in the US where he developed the business very successfully.   Dr. Frank Stieler, CEO of KraussMaffei Group: “Matthias Sieverding knows our customers and our company very well. We are pleased to welcome him to this position. And we are convinced that with him leading the Extrusion Segment he will strongly support our growth strategy, thus helping us gain additional market share”.   www.kraussmaffeigroup.com    
Ms. Kang 2017-08-25