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HP and Dassault Systemes collaborate on software for 3D printing

작성자 : Aeyoung Park 2018-02-26 | 조회 : 984
HP and Dassault Systemes collaborate on software for 3D printing

HP Inc. and Dassault Systemes intend to optimize Dassult’s Solidworks 3D design and engineering software to take advantage of HP’s Multi Jet Fusion 3D printing systems.

The companies made the announcement Feb. 5 at Dasssault’s annual conference in Los Angeles. HP officials claims the company now is shipping more plastic production 3D printers than any other company in the world.

“The $12 trillion manufacturing market is being digitally transformed and HP and Dassault Systemes share a vision to change the way the world designs and manufacturers,” said Stephen Nigro, HP’s president of 3D printing.

In other news, HP has introduced a low-cost HP Jet Fusion 300/500 series that can print parts in full color. Prices start in the $50,000s.

For information, go to www.hp.com/go/3D printing.

Source: Plastics News