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Engel Announces Management News

작성자 : Aeyoung Park 2018-03-29 | 조회 : 928
Changes at Wintec and Engel Packaging

▲ Michael Feltes (© Engel)
The injection molding machine builder Wintec – a member of the Engel group of companies – will be under new management as of April 1, 2018. Michael Feltes is transitioning from
Engel headquarters in Schwertberg, Austria, to Wintec in 
Changzhou, China, as President Sales & Service.

Michael Feltes has been with Engel for three and a half years, during this time heading the Business Unit Packaging at 
Engel headquarters. Previously, he held leading positions in 
tool building in Shanghai, Suzhou and Wuxi for more than seven years. As the President Sales & Service of Wintec, Michael Feltes is responsible for the continuing development of the Wintec brand and its penetration into the worldwide target 

Since 2014, Wintec has been building premium injection 
molding machines for standard applications in Changzhou. 
Initially only available in Asia, Wintec is taking the next big 
step this May and expanding its sales to the US, Canada, 
                                                Mexico and Brazil.

▲ Frank Schuster (© Engel)

In related news, Frank Schuster is taking over as the Vice President of the Business Unit Packaging at Engel, effective April 1, 2018. He succeeds Michael Feltes.

Frank Schuster has been with Engel for two years and, as the Sales Manager of Packaging, has made significant contributions during this time to the very successful development of the division and the continued strengthening of the Engel brand in the worldwide packaging industry. Prior to his time with the Austrian injection molding machine manufacturer, Schuster was already active in leading sales positions in the field of plastic machinery manufacturing with a focus on packaging.

Source: Kunststoffe