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The DMG MORI Korean Technology Center will design complex CNC solutions

작성자 : 강민정 2016-12-15 | 조회 : 987
▲ The DMG MORI Korean Technology Center will designfuture-oriented application solutions mainly for the aerospace industry.

In order to meet theincreasing demands of the processing industry in Korea, DMG MORI isbuilding the DMG MORI Korean Technology Center. During GO Seoul thefacility will celebrate its opening in Anyang-si, Gyeonggi. Based on the successfultechnology centers worldwide, DMG MORI will focus on customer-orienteddevelopment of complex machining solutions in this location as well. A showroomwith space for up to 15 machines will give users from the region theopportunity to experience the technologies at first hand.

The DMG MORI KoreanTechnology Center has a total floor space of more than 4,500 m². Experiencedapplication engineers will focus on the development of application solutionsfor key industries in Korea such as aerospace, automotive, electronics and die& mold. Machining complex large components will be one of the mainchallenges here. Automation solutions and applications in additivemanufacturing complete the broad competence in machining. Korean customers willalso benefit from an improved service. Being close to their customers and withhelp of special service cars DMG MORI service technicians will be able toreact fast and minimise downtimes.

In addition to this applicationwork and provision of service, the range of products and services of the DMGMORI Korean Technology Center also includes test runs for customers andseminars on CELOS® and industry 4.0 issues. DMG MORI organises thesefor Korean users together with its partners. Cooperations with universities arealso intended to pass on the machining competence of the machine toolmanufacturer to the next generation of junior staff.

As theDMG MORI Korean Technical Center is located nearby the KTX train station in Gwangmyungit can be easily reached by visitors from all over Korea. The DMG MORI KoreanTechnology Center will thus function as adequate platform in order to presentusers with the future-oriented technologies.