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KraussMaffei Interview - Questions from the Korean Plastic Market

작성자 : 강민정 2017-01-09 | 조회 : 2622

On December 6, 2016, the Korean branch of KraussMaffei held T.R.E.N.DDay, 2016 Tech. Seminar, in Suwon, Korea. Handler,a plastics journal in Korea, interviewed Jochen Mitzler and Marko Zorn from KraussMaffei,and asked KraussMaffei its strategy in the Korean market, and how they preparefor Industry 4.0.



▲ JochenMitzler, Head of Strategic Product Management in KraussMaffei TechnologiesGmbH(left), and Marko Zorn, Key Account Manager for Korea Injection MoldingMachinery in KraussMaffei Korea Ltd.(right)

FiberForm entails the thermoforming andover-molding of organic sheets, which are plate-shaped semifinished productswith continuous fibers made of glass, carbon or aramid embedded in athermoplastic matrix made of polyamide (PA), polypropylene (PP) or other matrixsystems. In this process, these semifinished products are first heated,reshaped in the injection mold and then back-injected with a fiber-reinforcedpolymer. Parts with integrated organic sheets have significantly bettermechanical properties compared to those that are purely composed ofshortfiber-reinforced injection molding material.

*ColorForm: The ColorForm process is used to replace classic paintingprocesses, including the up- and downstream working steps for conventionallacquering. This cuts investment costs and boosts logisticsefficiency; the scrap rate is lower and parts transport is higher

During the ColorForm process, a thermoplasticbase body forms in a mold, which is then flow-coated directly in the cavityusing a two-component polyurea (PUA) or polyurethane (PUR) paint. The result: afinished component with the desired lacquered color capability and premiumquality surface.

*T-RTM(Thermoplastic Resin Transfer Molding): The T-RTMprocess has various benefits over parallel plastic processing procedures, e.g.the familiar RTM with epoxy resin or polyurethane (PUR). The low viscosity ofjust five millipascal-seconds (mPA·s) – similar to water – allows the matrixmaterial caprolactam to penetrate the fiber layers even with low internal moldpressures. The relatively low clamping force reduces costs for investment andenergy. In addition, the high flow capacity allows the minimum wall thicknessto be reduced and the fiber volume content increased by about 60 percent.

▲ APCplus

In the intelligent machine area, we have a new function developed whichis called APC(Adaptive Process Control) plus. It embodies the idea of intelligent machines, a concept that refers toself-optimizing machines, which improve productivity and quality. This functionalways analyze the viscosity of the melt which goes into the mold when we makean injection. If the melt quality(viscosity) has changed, the machine has thesmart function to make an automatic adjustment of the process. We always wantto have good parts. If the machine doesn’t have this function, it could be thatthe parts are over-molded, or not completely filled, due to the change of thematerial viscosity. To avoid scrap rates, we have a certain kind of brain inthe injection molding machine which we call APC plus. APC plus is just onesmall stone of the intelligent injection molding machine.

▲ DataXplorer

Secondly, for interactive production, we have a special communicationsetup to the mold and the drying systems. Plastic resin often has to be dried,so we use dryers. From the dryer, it is getting converted to the injectionmolding machine. If the drying is not in the good quality, you will produce badparts. So the communication between the machine and the dryer allows us thatthe dryer tells the machine has a problem, or the machine tells the dryer has aproblem. It asks to stop processing when we have to adjust something in themold not to overheat the material, or even not to load untried material in theinjection molding machine.

▲ E-Service

Lastly, intelligent service is that we have possibilitiesto get access to the injection molding machine over the internet to have afaster reaction on the service side to the customers. For example, if customersin Korea have an issue, they can allow someone from Munich to have a look onthe machine so that we can make a pre-diagnosis. Then, from Munich, we canadjust the process and machine. Therefore, we save a lot of time for customersinstead of spending time travelling forward and backward, and reduce downtimeas well.