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Sintavia Announces ISO 17025 Accreditation

작성자 : 강민정 2017-01-16 | 조회 : 912

Elite metal AM laboratory operations exceed industry standards 

▲ As part of its material characterization lab, Sintavia offers comprehensive Mechanical testing capabilities using some of the most advanced equipment available. Typical mechanical testing properties include elasticity, tensile strength, elongation, hardness, fracture toughness, impact resistance, creep, stress rupture and the substantiation of fatigue limits. 

Sintavia, LLC, the global independent leader for metal Additive Manufacturing (AM) services, announced today that its metallurgical laboratory had received ISO 17025 accreditation by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA). ISO 17025 is the highest recognized quality standard in the world for calibration and testing laboratories. For an organization to be accredited in ISO 17025, its laboratory must be able to consistently produce precise and accurate test and calibration data.


“As the first dedicated AM manufacturer to achieve ISO 17025 accreditation Sintavia once again is at the leading edge of the industrial application of AM technology,” said Doug Hedges, Sintavia’s President and COO. “Serial production is all about serial quality, and this achievement speaks to our commitment to the highest standards at every step of AM production. From when the powder arrives at our facility to when the finished parts leave the dock, we maintain complete control over the integrity of the product. Anything less would be a disservice to our customers.” 

▲ Sintavia possesses one of the most advanced and sophisticated metallurgical analysis laboratories in the world. Sintavia offers the full range of metallographic preparation capabilities including sectioning, mounting, grinding, polishing and etching. This in-house capability is critical for material and parameter development.

Until now, AM manufacturers offering ISO 17025 accredited testing had to use independent laboratories for powder and material validation. While quality analysis can be achieved by shipping samples to a third-party laboratory for powder analysis, metal density testing, and quality assurance verification, having an accredited laboratory within the AM production facility means faster analysis and complete security of the process.


“What a great year it has been for quality improvements,” added Alex Bencomo, Quality Manager at Sintavia. “To get both AS9100 certification and ISO 17025 laboratory accreditation in a single year is a significant accomplishment. As we grow, we are committed to staying focused and continuing to incorporate the highest quality standards in the industry.”


For more information, please go to http://www.sintavia.com