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Freudenberg Medical expands medical manufacturing capacity in China

작성자 : Ms. Kang 2017-04-07 | 조회 : 936
By : PlasticsToday

Freudenberg Medical ChinaFreudenberg Medical, a global developer and manufacturer of medical devices, components and minimally invasive devices for the medical technology industry, has announced a 1,200-square-meter expansion of its medical manufacturing operation in Shenzhen, China. Six hundred square meters have been added to the cleanroom, allowing for the addition of 10 injection molding machines; extra space also has been allocated for a new tool room and warehouse operations. 

The new cleanroom is certified to ISO 14644-1 and the FDA-registered facility is certified to ISO 13485. 

Operation of the new cleanroom began this month with four new molding machines and auxiliary equipment. “The new machines will extend our molding machine tonnage capacity to 280 tons and enable production of larger medical device parts as well as higher cavitation of small components,” said Terry To, General Manager of Freudenberg Medical Asia. 

New associates were also hired to support the expansion. 

Freudenberg Medical Asia manufactures and assembles medical devices and components in thermoplastic and silicone material. Value added services include metrology, scientific molding, design of experiments, heat staking, ultrasonic welding, pad printing and liquid dispensing capabilities.