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Chemical reports


Latest Addition to EcoBind™ Family of Ultra-low Emitting Resin Technologies Provides Savings and Su

작성자 : Ms. Kang 2017-06-12 | 조회 : 933

Hexion Inc. (“Hexion” or the “Company”) is launching a new EcoBind One formaldehyde scavenger product to help particleboard and medium density fiberboard (MDF) producers save on additive costs while meeting CARB Phase 2, EPA TSCA VI and other stringent global emission standards.


The EcoBind One scavenger is utilized with standard urea formaldehyde resins to tie up free formaldehyde and eliminate the majority of emissions during panel production and in finished products. This eliminates the use of urea water, which is a significant cost for particleboard and MDF operations. By eliminating the use of urea additives, the Ecobind One scavenger also enhances a panel’s environmental profile.


“Hexion has long been a leader in providing innovative and cost-effective solutions to the panelboard industry,” says Mark Alness, Senior Vice President, Americas Forest Products. “The EcoBind One scavenger is another option in our line of EcoBind ultra-low emitting products which customers can choose from, based on the specific performance characteristics they need in their panels and their cost parameters.”


The EcoBind One scavenger was specifically designed for the high heat environments typical of MDF and continuous press particleboard production. It can be used with existing equipment and requires no process changes for manufacturers. Hexion’s technical support team will adapt and optimize resin packages utilizing EcoBind One scavengers to specific plant conditions and customer requirements.


In addition to the new EcoBind One formaldehyde scavenger resin, the range of EcoBind low-emitting resin technologies for meeting global emission standards such as CARB Phase 2, European EMB and Japanese standards includes:


* one-part base UF resin systems with very low mole ratios

* base UF resins with scavengers

* unique co-reactants


For more information, consult with Hexion - Hall 26, Stand F77 - during LIGNA 2017 in Hanover, Germany, May 22-26, or visit

