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Intech, a Korean firm changing the paradigm of the facial mask market

작성자 : Ms. Kang 2017-04-07 | 조회 : 1228

Now it’s time to take a close look at a small but competitive business making a difference for the Korean economy. With repeated attacks of fine dust and yellow dust from China every year, masks are increasingly becoming a necessity for people’s health in Korea. The local dust mask market continues to grow, and has already reached over 15 billion won in size. Meanwhile, a Korean SME is drawing attention with a newly developed mask that’s different from the rest. “Intech” is the first company in the world to have developed a plastic mask made by injection molding, with replaceable filters. Intech’s CEO Lee Chang-sun tells us more. 

Plastic injection molding may sound hard, but this mask is made of plastic that’s very soft, harmless and eco-friendly. It’s made with the same material that’s used to make the urethane tube in syringes or babies’ teething toys. The mask that I’ve developed comes with replaceable filters. Generally, masks are expensive yet disposable. They usually cost between 3,000 and 5,000 won, and those for kids can cost up to 8,000 or 10,000 won. It’s supposed to be thrown out at the end of the day, but people don’t do that. So, we made the filter in our mask replaceable so that consumers can use high-function masks without the burden of the high price. It’s made with Intech’s original technology. 

Intech’s mask is not made of cloth or felt, but with plastic. Injection molding is a plastic manufacturing process where plastic is melted and then injected into a mold to form the desired shape. Intech is the first company in the world to use this method to make a mask with plastic that’s harmless to human health. This product is not only convenient to use, but also economical. A filter is attached inside the soft plastic mask with Velcro to block as much as 94% of the ultrafine dust or PM2.5, which was declared a group 1 human carcinogen by the World Health Organization. The mask can be used again repeatedly just by replacing the filter. Intech may have reformed the paradigm of masks, but the company did not start out as a mask maker. 

Intech was founded in July 2013 to make general consumer goods based on our molding or injection molding technology. I was not a mask maker at first. I started working in the molding industry as soon as I graduated from high school, and have been ever since. I started making masks because I was always interested in it, especially since the SARS scare. That’s why I decided to try developing a mask using the injection molding technology. 

Intech CEO Lee Chang-sun has been working in the injection molding industry for nearly 20 years, and he had always been interested in developing new items using the injection method. He came up with the idea to make a mask using the technology in the early 2000s when Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or SARS was a major public issue. He founded the company in 2013 with the support of the Small & Medium Business Corporation, and put his thoughts into action. But even if a plastic mask is harmless to the human body, wouldn’t it feel restraining and stifling to wear one so tightly wrapped around one’s face? 

We designed the mask to completely block any external air pollutants. But we also wanted to make it comfortable for the wearer. We have a patent for valve masks, so with the technology, we made sure that the inhaled air is completely filtered, while the exhaled breath is let out through the valve. That’s why our mask is very comfortable to wear without any discomfort caused by moisture or the wearer’s own exhaled breath, even if they keep it on for a long time. It’s a mask that’s pleasant to wear. 

Made with the injection molding method, Intech’s mask is designed to fit the Korean facial features, making it sit snugly around the face. But at the same time, it’s not too tight or stuffy to wear. It’s because a valve is built inside the mask to easily and conveniently let out the exhaled breath. Intech named its mask “Hoooah Mask” to represent easy breathing. With its innovative technology and advantages Intech became the first mask maker to earn the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy’s NET-New Excellent Technology certificate in 2015. It also holds international patents in 11 different countries around the world. However, the market response wasn’t what the company had hoped. 

There were many complications and many trials and errors. I had been working in the basic manufacturing business ever since I was young, so I was completely ignorant when it came to marketing or designs. So I put my faith in the technology and made the first product, only to be met with very harsh criticism. 

Intech’s first mask was released in December 2013. Critics said while the mask is very functional, it reminded them of characters from horror films. That’s when Lee joined hands with expert designers. After improving the mask’s structures and remodeling the mold three times, Intech was able to finally come up with a product that would satisfy any consumer with varying shapes, sizes, colors and functions. 

Once I had the prototype in my hand, I packed my bags and went everywhere I could. I didn’t even know what an exchange rate was back then. I just went in, head first. I learned everything by just running in headfirst, and figuring out later if it was a wall, a door, or a path. Fortunately, I made inroads in Japan, Russia, Vietnam, China, Taiwan and Singapore. It feels like I went pretty much everywhere aside from Europe and South America. 

Intech released the new product in the international market first in 2015. Currently, it exports to 9 countries. It’s also working on a collaboration project with the global fashion brand Boy London. At home, Intech’s masks will hit the shelves of supermarkets and pharmacies this month. The company, which has changed the face of protective masks, has only just taken its first step.