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CHINAPLAS 2017 facilitates automotive industry towards lightweighting and smart manufacturing

작성자 : Ms. Kang 2017-05-12 | 조회 : 1732

Newmaterials lead to lighter and stronger automobiles

KraiburgTpe (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. will introduce its UV/HF/SFseries in CHINAPLAS 2017. The UV/HF/SF Series is targeted towards automotiveexterior components requiring high UV resistance, perfect surface finish andhigh flowability. It is of easy flowing, exhibits excellent processingbehavior, adheres perfectly to PP with perfect surface finish and is tested accordingto Volkswagen PV3930 for outdoor use. Typical applications include cowls,gaskets, roof rims, water deflectors, window encapsulations and other exteriorautomotive applications.

▲ 65% continuous glassfiber reinforced polyamide 6 UD-tape fromCGN Juner NewMaterials Co., LTD. 

CGN Juner NewMaterials Co., Ltdwill introduceto visitors 65% continuous glass fiberreinforced polyamide 6 UD-tape which features high glass fiber content, highstrength and modularity. The product can be applied in automotive components,such as foot pedals, seat frames, front-endframe, etc.

▲ Polyimide fiber fromPolymer Science (Shenzhen) NewMaterials Co., Ltd. 

PolymerScience (Shenzhen) New Materials Co., Ltd. producespolyimide fiber with a wetspinning two-step production process. Comparedon same molecular structure basis to the traditional one-step productionprocess, it can increase heatresistance by nearly 100 degrees and doublethe strength. The company has overcomethe difficulty of combining heat resistance and processability in the traditionalprocess.

SmartManufacturing Technology Zone topromote automotiveindustry

In CHINAPLAS 2017, a “SmartManufacturing TechnologyZone” will also be set up on the show floor,presenting a wealth of cutting-edge exhibits from leadingsuppliers, including Siemens,Bosch Rexroth, Deltacimic Electronics, Enmair, ZhejiangKeqiang, Danfoss, Sodron, LNC, Dongguan STS, Star Seiki and more. Apart fromrobotic arms, automated systems, controllers, actuators and sensors that werefeatured in the previous editions ofCHINAPLAS, visitors will have a chance to witness smart factory solutions. Morecutting-edge technology can be found in the “3D Technology Zone”, where 3Dprinters, 3D scanners, 3D printing software and 3D printing services will bedisplayed.

▲ Autodesk Software (China) Co., Ltd. will firstly launch itsMoldflow simulation software

What worth mentioning is that Autodesk Software (China) Co., Ltd. willlaunch its Moldflow simulation software,the most popular injection molding software used by plastics molding industryso far, of which accuracy and solution efficiency is higher. Mesh modelbuilding time can be reduced by 20% with improved quality. With pre-production injectionmolding simulation, potential molding risk can be identified and evaluated, thusoptimizing results.

Concurrentevents to inspire automotive smart manufacturing

Building on the success of thefirst “Industry 4.0 Conference” held last year in Shanghai, CHINAPLAS will onceagain join force with VDMA, the German Engineering Federation, to presentthe “2nd Industry 4.0 Conference”.  The first day of the conference (May 16, 2017)is themed “Automotive 4.0”. Representatives from KraussMaffei and Engel will givepresentations on smart manufacturing technology and 4.0 solutions for the automotiveindustry. Shanghai Volkswagen Co. Ltd. will bring smart manufacturing casesharing to audiences. In addition, the key to therealization of “Industry 4.0” and “Made in China 2025”, standardization, willalso be discussed.

▲ RN30 Concept Car jointly developed by BASF andHyundai Motor Company

CHINAPLAS is once againco-present “Design x Innovation” with BASF, the world’s leading chemicalcompany. The theme “Smarter Living” will be demonstrated through “InnoGallery”, ‘Design Forum” and “TRIO”, with “TRIO” represents the cooperationbetween BASF, designers and brand owners. Concept car RN30, an innovation thatcombines key solutions from the chemical industry with purposeful aerodynamicdesign and specialized high-performance technologies and jointly developed byBASF and Hyundai Motor Company, will be showcased in“Design x Innovation”.Answers to the question how plastics can optimize aesthetics, functionality andperformance, as well as creative solutions for smarter living, can be found at“Design x Innovation”. Participants will understand product design, structuraland functional design from new perspectives through the solutions presented fordifferent downstream industries including automotive, E&E, building andconstruction, leisure and lifestyle, etc.