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The Top 10 Most Valuable Chemical Brands of 2018

작성자 : Aeyoung Park 2018-07-26 | 조회 : 1131
- BASF ranked as the No. 1 chemical brand followed by Dow and Sabic
- LG Chemical newly ranked in top 10 list

BASF remains most valuable
BASF has maintained its status as the world’s most valuable chemicals brand, following 13% brand value growth from last year to US$7.4 billion, according to a new report by Brand Finance, the world’s leading independent brand valuation and strategy consultancy. The brand value of BASF was boosted as a result of increased revenue projections after a strong 2017, which included the announcement and subsequent purchase of parts of Bayer’s businesses, in connection with Bayer’s acquisition of Monsanto. 

Dow boosted by merger with DuPont 
In second rank, Dow’s brand value surged 38% to US$6.5 billion, offset by the result of DuPont (down 10% to US$2.7 billion). 

Michigan-based Dow and Delaware’s DuPont have now completed their corporate merger while continuing to restructure their businesses to operate under separate Dow, DuPont, and new Corteva brands. Although, at the moment, the combined value of Dow and DuPont at the moment, the combined value of Dow and DuPont at US$9.2 billion is greater than that of BASF, it remains to be seen how the merger and ensuing reallocation of assets impacts their respective brand values.

SABIC powers ahead
Saudi petrochemicals giant SABIC has grown faster over the past year than any other brand in the Brand Finance Chemicals 10 league table, jumping from 8th to 3rd rank.

Contributing to SABIC’s impressive 78% increase in brand value to US$3.7 billion is the renewed effort by the brand to capitalise on the US shale boom by growing its business across America. Having recently announced plans for a new head office in Houston, Texas, SABIC is a major supplier of polyethylene and other commodity resins across the Western Hemisphere. Boosted by the rise in oil prices, SABIC is also looking into opportunities to access the African market and considering acquisitions in Europe and China.

Brands mid-ranking lose value
Brands in the middle of the Brand Finance Chemicals 10 ranking did not share in the strong gains of those at the top. Air Liquide (down 9% to US$2.3 billion), Asahi Kasei (down 5% to US$2.3 billion) and Mitsubishi Chemicals (down 9% to US$2.3 billion) suffered significant losses to their brand value. Asahi and Mitsubishi were both affected by the relative weakness of the Japanese yen.

In addition to overall brand value, Brand Finance also evaluates brand strength. Mitsubishi’s brand has the weakest strength in the top 10 as a result of the company’s online and social media performance lagging behind its peers who have expanded their digital marketing and promotion, particularly on LinkedIn, a crucial portal for talent recruitment. The staff are one of the main stakeholders influenced by a brand’s strength, with stronger brands attracting and retaining quality employees. To catch up, Mitsubishi is hiring specialist social media marketeers and launched a multi-million-dollar cross-platform campaign. The brand also suffered reputational damage in October last year when, in the course of an investigation into data falsification by supplier Kobe Steel, it reported that its materials division had also falsified data.

Source: Brand Finance