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Latest technologies boost productivity of extrusion process

작성자 : Aeyoung Park 2018-05-15 | 조회 : 1137
The demand for high efficient machinery is rapidly growing with the technology advancement nowadays. To remain competitive in this ever-changing global market, the extrusion machinery manufacturers are making every effort to provide cutting-edge solutions and to offer the promise of better extruding with high productivity, high output and low cost.

More productive with new automated solution

The Maag Group rolled out the new maax 400S automated solution for improving extrusion productivity. The automated expac system comprises an extrex gear pump, screen changer, maax automation solution, and drive unit.

In order to close the gap of its two existing controllers, the maax 100S and maax 600S, a 12” monitor variant is now available following the introduction of the enhanced extrusion controller maax 400S.

The new maax 400S can control up to four variable-speed drives, and can be upgraded up to a maximum of 32 heating/cooling zones (in the basic software configuration). It retains the intuitive user control, screen page layout and color concept of the existing controllers, which enables customer-specific requirements, such as page layout, additional pages or special component control, to be met within certain bounds.

The maax 100S features a 7” monitor, with a maximum of two drives and maximum 16 heating/cooling zones. The maax 600S has a 15” monitor, with a maximum of four drives and 48 heating/cooling zones (in the basic software configuration).

New screen changer with lower downtime and cost

An advanced melt filtration system from Nordson Corporation has enabled Cyklop, an international supplier of industrial packaging systems for load securement, to increase productivity, reduce downtime, and cut material waste in the production of strapping tape from PET bottle flake.

At its facility in Cologne, Cyklop replaced an older-model hydraulically powered backflush screen changer with the recently introduced BKG HiCon V-Type 3G system. Cyklop reports that the new screen changer reduces operating costs because it needs 30% fewer backflushes and requires screen changes 40% less frequently. Employed in a production line at throughput rates of 450 to 550 kg/hr, the new system maintains flow and melt pressure at constant levels, ensuring uniform product quality.

As introduced, the BKG HiCon V-Type 3G screen changer requires less maintenance and operator supervision than either the older Nordson system or a backflush system from a competing supplier. The system is particularly good in dealing with contamination surges, since the filtration area is regenerated very effectively in a short amount of time.

In the BKG HiCon V-Type 3G screen changer, melt flow from the extruder is split at the entry side and guided to four screen cavities on two screen-bearing pistons with screens in each cavity. Each pair of cavities is positioned so that they can filter their respective melt streams, until the piston removes one of the cavities from the process to remove contaminant buildup by means of backflushing.

In normal operation, polymer is flowing through all four cavities. While one of the screens in the cavities is changed or flushed, the other three or 75% remain in the process so that throughput remains uninterrupted.

Advanced extruders offering highest output with small footprint

Processing Technologies International, LLC (PTi), a leading global manufacturer of high-performance sheet extrusion machinery, has significantly reduced the footprint of its Super-G HighSPEED Extruders. According to the company, the result is the highest extrusion output per square foot in the industry.

The superior manufacturing output is made possible by the introduction of a tuck under motor which creates a smaller footprint for both Super-G HighSPEED models which are used for the processing of polypropylene (PP) and high-impact polystyrene (HIPS) for the packaging market.

PTi’s Super-G SGHS3000-36D model features a vertical U-configuration and tuck under motor which reduces the machine’s footprint by more than 33% to 12-ft 8-in, compared to 17-ft 7-in for the original model.

The Super-G SGHS3000-36D is equipped with a 500 hp motor and runs at a maximum speed of 1000 rpm while the Super-G SGHS3000-42D has a 600 hp motor and runs at a maximum speed of 1200 rpm. For processing of PP, the Super-G SGHS3000-36D has a production output of approximately 3,000 lb/hr.

In 2017, PTi entered the high-speed extruder segment with the launch of its Super-G High-Speed Extruders which deliver significant performance advantages and overcome the limitations of competitive products.

Reducing stagnation with new hybrid extrusion tool

The new 800 Series Hybrid is a result of incorporating the next generation multi-layer die technology into Guill’s popular 800 Series. According to Guill, the challenge was to create a hybrid design that incorporates the benefits of layer overlapping, while reducing unnecessary complexity and making operation easier.

This was achieved by overlapping layers in each semi-deflector, using a single cone. The inherent benefits of the 800 Series are retained, including compact design, low residence time and a common deflector bore that eliminates tolerance stack up. The highly efficient design reduces cost and size, as opposed to other methods of overlapping layers.

The 800 Series Hybrid extrusion tool greatly reduces stagnation because overlapping layers are more inherently balanced than single layers and also because each semi-deflector is “tuned to flush.” Conventional deflectors must simultaneously achieve a balance between flushing, balancing and eliminating the weld line. There is less difference between the slowest moving material and the fastest moving material in the deflector channels, thus making the viscosity more consistent in the deflector. 

Source: China Plastic & Rubber Journal